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Importance of medical treatment after auto collision

May 5, 2022


           If you’ve been involved in an auto collision that required medical treatment, it’s absolutely imperative to follow your doctor’s orders. Not only is it important to seek immediate medical attention after a serious collision, but it’s also crucial to follow the orders of all your treating physicians, physical therapists, and any other medical provider involved with your medical care and treatment plan.

           When you bring legal action against another driver as a result of an auto collision with serious injuries, the insurance company for the other driver will need proof that you were actually injured. Your medical records is your best evidence that you sought medical treatment and that you have followed a treatment plan ordered by a physician. You must follow your doctor’s orders regarding the medical treatment plan for your injuries. Whether you have several broken bones, soft tissue injuries or a traumatic brain injury, it is critical that you follow the physician ordered treatment plan as one of the best ways to support your personal injury claim.

           Keep in mind that the mission of any insurance company is to pay out as little money as possible. Insurance companies will try to assert that your injuries are not legitimate or that you have pre-existing medical issues to the same body parts injured in the collision. When you have medical records and medical provider testimony to support your serious personal injury claims, your case will be well prepared for your trial attorney and legal team. If you stop or even suspend medical treatment after your collision the defense attorney on behalf of the insurance company will attack your credibility and claim your injuries are not as significant as you allege.


Sapien Law recommends the following action after a serious auto collision with injuries:


  • Seek medical treatment immediately.
  •  Attend all scheduled medical appointments.  Your overall health and medical care is your responsibility and not the insurer for the other driver who collided with you.
  •  If you can’t make an appointment, call the medical provider in advance to cancel the appointment as “no shows” may be used against you to allege that you are not injured or suffering from pain and discomfort.
  • Avoid any gaps in your medical treatment. If you’re supposed to see a physical therapist three times a week, don’t miss an appointment. The more consistent your medical care is, the more likely your credibility cannot be attacked by the defendant’s insurance company and/or legal team.
  • If you must miss appointments, document the reason for missing the medical appointment and call the medical provider to explain the reason.
  • Maintain a copy of all your medical records and medical expenses. Your medical provider will likely have a medical portal where you can access your records online using a secure website.
  • Follow all doctor’s orders including any physical restrictions and always avoid activities your doctor tells you to avoid.
  • Don’t post any information on social media about your collision or your medical treatment.
  • Do not post anything on social media about your day-to-day activities while you’re being treated for your injuries after the collision. What may seem like a benign post about your spending the day at an amusement park may be used against you. Insurance adjusters are trained to investigate social media to attack your credibility when you are seeking compensation for your legal damages.

If you’ve recently been in an auto collision and you have suffered severe injuries, contact Sapien Law LLC at 505.842.5979 to schedule a free consultation and explore your legal options.

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