Blog Post


June 2, 2022


The thought of being struck by a tractor trailer also known as an 18-wheeler can send shivers down the spine of anyone. Given the size and weight of these large commercial vehicles, the injuries resulting from a collision involving big rigs or 18-wheelers are often severe and life-impacting. If you suffered physical and mental injuries because of a crash caused by a commercial truck driver, you have the legal right to hold the tractor trailer driver and their employer responsible for their acts, errors or omissions.

In order to be successful in doing so, the best advice is to seek legal guidance from an experienced tractor trailer personal injury attorney whose goal is for you and your family to receive the maximum amount of compensation in which you are entitled under the laws of New Mexico.

The initial attorney consultation will provide you with the opportunity to get to know your attorney and thoroughly discuss your claim(s) which will provide you a chance to explore your legal options. During your initial consultation, you will be asked many questions about yourself, the trucking company, your vehicle, how the crash occurred, and details about your injuries and any injuries to your passengers. These questions are designed to ensure that you are provided the most competent legal representation for your claims.

It is critically important to act quickly after a collision with a tractor trailer. Your firsthand knowledge and impressions of the crash can be priceless.  The information provided below is designed to help make the most of your initial tractor trailer collision attorney consultation and to ensure your attorneys receive all the necessary facts and information to assist with the legal evaluation of your claims.  Rest assured that with an experienced litigator on your side, no legal issue will be left unchecked.


Be prepared to provide your attorney with any information and details about the trucking company and the commercial truck driver. You should obtain the name of the trucking company and truck driver involved, the type of load being hauled, the license plate number, and the contact information for the trucking company and their insurance company, along with any other information you have obtained about the trucking company or the truck driver.


Give your attorney a detailed account of the crash. Advise your attorneys as to when and how the crash occurred, along with everyone who was involved. You will also want to state what the weather was like and what the traffic conditions were at the time of the crash. If you’re able to, request a copy of the police report and gather contact information for any possible witnesses.

Also, try to remember if you recall seeing any traffic cameras. No details are too small to mention.



Have your medical records available that should contain medical bills, x-rays, and other scans. Any information concerning your injuries will prove vital in evaluating your claim. Tell your attorney what your diagnosis was and what the predicted outcome is including future treatments and medical devices that are now needed. Express any difficulties you are having in your everyday life activities after you sustained injuries in the trucking collision. Such difficulties may include running and playing with your children. Don’t forget to inform your attorney if additional treatments, tests, or surgeries are needed and if you are improving or getting worse.


Provide your attorney with the year, make, and model of your vehicle.  If available, provide an estimate to repair the damages and an estimated replacement cost. If possible, bring photographs of your damaged vehicle.


Offer personal financial details such as your employment status and wages. Describe how your injuries affected your job, how many hours you have taken off work, and your paystubs to calculate lost wages. This information can help determine additional compensation you may be eligible to collect. You will also need to provide your insurance information and details regarding any traffic violations on your driving history.

Not only do trucking collisions cause catastrophic injuries and wrongful death, but insurance companies also make it their mission to ensure compensation is very difficult to obtain. Bringing this information to the initial meeting with a truck accident attorney will speed up the legal process. Trucking companies and their insurance defense attorneys will spring into action immediately following a crash, which is why time is of the essence. Remember that the person in the best position to get your attorney information is you.

If you or a loved one was seriously injured or killed by the recklessness of a truck driver or trucking company, don’t wait another moment to have aggressive representation on your side. This is not a situation you will want to handle on your own because it can prove to be long, complicated and frustrating. Please contact Sapien Law LLC whose attorneys have extensive experience dealing with trucking collisions and fighting for maximum compensation on behalf of our clients.

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